childlike and spontaneous

Although X and inflexible impossibility for his views, he was still one and only student. The danger has become clearer to us when we found out that by the end of the year, 3 or 4 of his peers, and are affected by it, had already adopted his views. Unlike him, and it was these young people from poor families, some orphans, some of the broken families, looking up to him, admiring him as a symbol of strength and masculinity. Whether X deliberately seeking to recruit other students from the school, I do not know. But, there have been rumors by colleagues that one of their tactics is to target adolescents in schools through the children of the members of the list. Slums (such as my school was located) offers a good prey.

Eventually, you may have lost a patent X in childlike and spontaneous. Except in a few fleeting moments, when playing basketball with his peers, he has become like a born-again, would temporarily forget about the ethnic origin of his fellow players and all that matter was playing football good basketball ... but it was the poison had already entered our school .

Case 2

G. was another student of mine at a different school. Sweet and quiet, diligent 15-year-old boy, he did not give any signs of sexy behavior of concern throughout the school year. One day, G. came to school with a T-shirt weird. The T-shirt colors (white lettering on a black line) and the issue of a clear message from the neo-Nazi party symbols and letter style. The national writing content and expectations of the whole reminds us of a certain group. Provide any point colleague for T-shirts, with the exception of the two of us, who went to the President and teachers to determine the course of action. Head position and the teacher was: "Maybe, and will only get worse if we have to give it attention if we ignore it, it might go away.". In fact, the head of the teachers are afraid. In a country, and it ended who last dictatorship in 1973, which ended in 1949, and where citizens have been completely lifted from their political views over the decades, and activate the reactions of staying alive in the collective memory of the people of the past civil war, turning many colleagues in education mute about such "political" matters. Especially if the new adult gang-fascist work in the area!

We insisted: "No one shall paraphernalia political party in school." To our surprise, the student and his parents cooperate, he says the latter was also concerned about his extreme options. This was an example of one of the children to fall into the trap of pretending bravado and strength, pride and manhood, without his parents supported his point of view. This was easier to handle, but it was as a diplomat. When discussing with students extreme, it is better to be quiet, independent and more intellectual and emotional. Kids often ask neo-Nazi theme in the class, and I'm always keen to talk about the relevant arguments, but the two sides did not specific about. As for the fear of teachers to talk openly, it is true that some teachers had threatened directly by the extremist parents, until very recently, and parents and teachers physically assaulted by these gangs at a meeting on refugee children bring to school. Most of the teachers are, of course, against these views, but most are too afraid to speak (although there are many very brave exceptions). Reduce the brutality of jobs ordered by austerity policies and a long history and the last of the citizens of discrimination and according to its political beliefs easily lead to fear. But up to what point we should remain silent? This is important to understand, because if we are to understand teenagers, it is important to understand the environment in which teachers work and speak.

Case 3

The S., 14-year-old girl, on the sidelines of the school system. Repetition of the year, with frequent absenteeism and lack of interest on achievement at all, was excluded by her peers. From a very poor background, S. was struggling with cancer in the family. At school, she does not mix with the others, but only with another girl marginalized, from another class. She also came from a troubled family background, both parents are unemployed and family violence. They never bothered anyone in the class. They simply were in their own world, drawing do other things or just being absent minded. Q confided one day to her teacher that was on the verge of local neo-Nazi party offices twice a week, and added: "They do not brainwash us, as you can blame them." But why is a child of 14-year-old political party will be meeting twice a week? This is where you must be 14 years old? Or those organizations and take advantage of the great void in the lives of children, the minds, hearts and they provide a refuge, a shelter and a sense of belonging, identity, and family? Well, I felt as accepted there and continue. She did not feel like an outsider, she received attention and became a nest offices. Although these groups are frankly sexual believes the only woman value as shoulder more of the fascists, for her, it was better than nothing.